
Thursday, August 30, 2018

Forced to Shutdown

Unfortunately, due to a disturbed young woman, I was forced to shut down both my Instagram page for Mental Health Awareness and this blog.

I apologize to anyone who saw the triggering comments she left on various photos on Instagram.  Please know that she has her own mental issues, which of course we can relate to.  Sadly, she just wasn't getting the help she needed.

I have contacted her to let her know that if she continues, I will be contacting police for harassment charges against her.

Since then I have not heard from her.

However, I don't feel comfortable keeping this blog up at this time.

Thank you.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

How Social Media Can Be a Trigger

(top of this post removed)

Once I quit Facebook, I started to notice my anxiety lessen.  Once I stopped following certain Instagram pages and resisting the urge to comment/argue with people, I became happier.  Checking my Instagram was a good thing - I wasn't anxiously awaiting an stranger's reply.

I know it's tough to quit Facebook for some people since that is how they keep in touch with so many.  But if you find yourself in my position, I urge you to do any of the following:

  • Unfollow pages that trigger anger/anxiety/sadness
  • Stop yourself from commenting on controversial subjects - even if you can't STAND what the person is saying, and they are 100% wrong. 
  • Turn off your notifications so that you aren't tempted to check so often.
  • Log out completely so that you have to log back in with your password in order to check it (you'll do it less). 
  • Remove the app from your phone so that you can only check it on a desktop computer. 
  • Delete your Facebook account, like I did! You have to do a search for "how do I delete my account" in the HELP section, and it will tell you what steps you need to take.  In two weeks, as long as you don't log back on - your account will be deleted. 
Why put ourselves in negative situations? There are so many positive things in the world that we can focus on instead of the angry, hateful, ignorant people who seem to be rampant on social media. 

Good luck!

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Prior Depression Awareness Photoshoot

In 2012, I did a photoshoot for Depression Awareness.  I am a part time photographer and wanted to get my thoughts about my depression out there in a unique way.

I had a friend help me out for this, and I am not able to post all of the photos, but here are a few of them.